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Download Stage 1 - My future train adventures on Sydney Metro Northwest

Stage 1 - My future train adventures on Sydney Metro Northwest

In this Stage 1 English lesson sequence a picture book and information about Sydney Metro Northwest stimulates students’ creativity and imagination, leading them to create a class narrative. Using modelled writing lessons, students create their own narrative entitled ‘My future train adventure on Sydney Metro Northwest’.

Topics Covered: Planning, designing and building a railway and English. 
English K-10; EN1-1A; EN1-2A; EN1-10C; EN1-11D; 

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Download Stage 1 - Design your own train interior layout

Stage 1 - Design your own train interior layout

Students compare locomotive steam trains of the past and the future Sydney Metro Northwest trains using the Powerhouse Museum website and Sydney Metro Northwest publications. They use their knowledge of past, present and future trains to design and label an effective interior plan for a metro train.

Topics covered: Planning, designing and building a railway, History, Science and Creative Arts.
Science and Technology K-6; ST1-2DP-T; ACTDEP007; ACTDEP008; History K-10; HT1-1; HT1-3; HT1-4; Creative Arts K-6; VAS1.1; 

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Download Inquiry-based: Stage 1 - How can transport connect us to places?

Inquiry-based: Stage 1 - How can transport connect us to places?

This inquiry-based unit of work was created, trialled and peer reviewed as part of a professional learning program in inquiry-based learning for school teachers. The professional learning courses were part of a pilot partnership between the NSW Government’s Sydney Metro transport agency and Western Sydney University.

Topics covered: English, History, Geography and Mathematics

English; EN1-7B; , Human Society and its Environment; GE1-1; GE1-3; HT2-3; Mathematics; MA1-17SP; ACMSP049; 

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Download Early Stage 1 & Stage 1 - Creating a time capsule

Early Stage 1 & Stage 1 - Creating a time capsule

In this lesson sequence for Early Stage 1 and Stage 1, students explore their built environment focusing on public transport, the planned Sydney Metro Northwest and their local community. Students create a ‘Changes’ diagram and a ‘Sydney Metro Northwest Environmental’ diagram, and work as a team to create a time capsule to be opened at the launch of Sydney Metro Northwest.

Topics covered: A railway for Sydney's North West region, History and Geography.
History K-10; HTe-1; HTe-2; HT1-2; HT1-4; HT1-3; Geography K-10; GE-e1; GE-e2; GE1-1; GE1-2; GE1-3; 

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Download Inquiry-based: Early Stage 1 - Sydney Metro and me

Inquiry-based: Early Stage 1 - Sydney Metro and me

This inquiry-based unit of work was created, trialled and peer reviewed as part of a professional learning program in inquiry-based learning for school teachers. The professional learning courses were part of a pilot partnership between the NSW Government’s Sydney Metro transport agency and Western Sydney University.

Topics covered: History and Geography

Human Society and its Environment; GEe-1; GEe-2; 

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Download Inquiry-based: Early Stage 1 - What is it made of?

Inquiry-based: Early Stage 1 - What is it made of?

This inquiry-based unit of work was created, trialled and peer reviewed as part of a professional learning program in inquiry-based learning for school teachers. The professional learning courses were part of a pilot partnership between the NSW Government’s Sydney Metro transport agency and Western Sydney University.

Topics covered: English, Geography, Science and Technology

English; ENe-2A; Geography; GEe-1; Science & Technology; STe-2DP-T; STe-1WS-S; STe-4MW-ST; STe-7DI-T; ACSIS014; ACSIS233; ACSIS012

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Download Inquiry-based: Early Stage 1 - How are you feeling?

Inquiry-based: Early Stage 1 - How are you feeling?

This inquiry-based unit of work was created, trialled and peer reviewed as part of a professional learning program in inquiry-based learning for school teachers. The professional learning courses were part of a pilot partnership between the NSW Government’s Sydney Metro transport agency and Western Sydney University.

Topics covered: English, Personal Development Health and Physical Education, Science and Technology
English; ENe-1A; ENe-6B; Personal Development, Health & Physical Education; PDe-10; PDe-3; Geography; GEe-1; Science and Technology; ST1-1WS-S; 

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Download Inquiry-based: Early Stage 1 - Do we need a train at Chullora?

Inquiry-based: Early Stage 1 - Do we need a train at Chullora?

This inquiry-based unit of work was created, trialled and peer reviewed as part of a professional learning program in inquiry-based learning for school teachers. The professional learning courses were part of a pilot partnership between the NSW Government’s Sydney Metro transport agency and Western Sydney University.

Topics covered: English, History, Geography, Science and Technology

English; ENe-1A; ENe-7B; Human Society and its Environment; GE1-1; GE1-3; ACTDEK001; ACTDEK004; ACELY1646; ACSIS012; ACTDEP005; Science and Technology; STe-4MW-ST;

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Download Secondary teacher activity sheets 4A-4B: Transport in the 19th Century, Linking the nation

Secondary teacher activity sheets 4A-4B: Transport in the 19th Century, Linking the nation

These activity sheets support the lessons "The coming of the railway and Transport in the 19th century", part of stage 5 mandatory site study, a complete unit of work. They include source information and activities on Transport in the 19th Century.

Topics covered: Linking the nation and History. 


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Download Secondary teacher activity sheet 1 and answers - Year 10: How to plan a community development, planning, designing and building a railway

Secondary teacher activity sheet 1 and answers - Year 10: How to plan a community development, planning, designing and building a railway

Confidential: for Year 10 eyes only ! This question and answer activity supports the lesson on "How to plan community development : meeting the needs of a growing population", for stage 5.

Topics covered: Planning, designing and building a railway and Geography. 

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