City and Southwest planning and compliance
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Planning and compliance
Sydney Metro City & Southwest is subject to an environmental assessment under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act). The project is classified as Critical State Significant Infrastructure under Part 5 division 5.2 (formally Part 5.1) of the EP&A Act.
Chatswood to Sydenham planning approval
Visit the DPE Planning Portal for copies of the Chatswood to Sydenham planning approval in its original form, a current consolidated copy of this approval, and copies of approval granted by the Minister to modifications of the terms of the approval: Sydney Metro - Chatswood to Sydenham | Planning Portal - Department of Planning and Environment (nsw.gov.au)
The Chatswood to Sydenham Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) covers the construction and operation of the Sydney Metro rail line from Chatswood to Sydenham. This 15.5-kilometre section of the rail line is almost entirely comprised of underground rail tunnels –including beneath Sydney Harbour – and new stations at Crows Nest, Victoria Cross, Barangaroo, Martin Place, Pitt Street, Waterloo, and new underground platforms at Central.
The EIS was on public exhibition from 11 May to 27 June 2016 and received more than 300 submissions. Sydney Metro collated the responses and released a Submissions and Preferred Infrastructure Report (available in the document library). This report included a number of key changes made as a result of the feedback.
The Minister for Planning approved the Chatswood to Sydenham EIS on 9 January 2017.
Sydenham to Bankstown planning approval
Visit the DPE Planning Portal for copies of the Sydenham to Bankstown planning approval in its original form, a current consolidated copy of this approval, and copies of approval granted by the Minister to modifications of the terms of the approval: Sydney Metro - Sydenham to Bankstown | Planning Portal - Department of Planning and Environment (nsw.gov.au)
Sydney Metro received planning approval on 19 December 2018 to upgrade the T3 Bankstown Line between Sydenham and Bankstown to metro standards. Customers will benefit from a new fully-air conditioned Sydney Metro train every four minutes in the peak in each direction with lifts, level platforms and platform screen doors for safety, accessibility and increased security.
For more information see the Bankstown Line Metro Conversion newsletter.
The Submissions and Preferred Infrastructure Report for the Sydenham to Bankstown Metro upgrade was on exhibition until 18 July 2018.
You can view a summary of the project in the Sydenham to Bankstown Preferred Infrastructure Report Overview.
The Submissions and Preferred Infrastructure Report for Sydenham to Bankstown metro upgrade and accompanying documents may be viewed on the NSW Department of Planning and Environment website and Sydney Metro Document Library.
Planning modifications
The latest information about planning modifications for Chatswood to Sydenham and Sydenham to Bankstown can be viewed on the NSW Department of Planning and Environment website.
Compliance documentation
Sydney Metro’s compliance with planning approvals is typically produced in the form of management plans, impact statements, monitoring reports and specialist consultant reports.
Some of these documents required under the Ministers Conditions of Approval include:
- Sydenham to Bankstown Staging Report
- Chatswood to Sydenham Staging Report
- Sydney Metro Trains Facility Staging Report
- Compliance Tracking Program / Environmental Audit Program
- Construction Compliance Reports (CCRs)
- CCR1 (Jan 2017 to Sep 2017)
- CCR2 (Oct 2017 to Mar 2018)
- CCR03 (Apr 2018 to Sep 2018)
- CCR04 (Oct 2018 to Mar 2019)
- CCR05 (Apr 2019 to Sep 2019)
- CCR06 (Oct 2019 to Mar 2020)
- CCR07 (Apr 2020 to Sep 2020)
- CCR08 (Oct 2020 to Mar 2021)
- CCR09 (Apr 2021 to Sep 2021)
- CCR10 (Oct 2021 to Mar 2022)
- CCR11 (Apr 2022 to Sep 2022)
- CCR12 (Oct 2022 to Mar 2023)
- CCR13 ( Apr 2023 to Sep 2023)
- CCR14 (Oct 2023 to Mar 2024)
- CCR 15 (Apr 2024 to Sep 2024)
- Overarching Community Communication Strategy
- Construction Noise and Vibration Strategy
- Out Of Hours Strategy/Protocol
- Sydenham to Bankstown Heritage Interpretation Plan
- Chatswood to Sydenham Heritage Interpretation Plan
Sydney Metro City & Southwest will be operated under the Operations, trains and systems 2 contract by the Northwest Rapid Transit (NRT) consortium’s operations and maintenance contractor, Metro Trains Sydney (MTS), visit the MTS website▪ external site for their Environmental Management documents.
All other Sydney Metro City & Southwest compliance documentation is accessible from the document library and the projects contractor websites:
- Demolition contractor Delta Groupin
Delta Group was awarded the contract to remove buildings in Chatswood, Crows Nest, North Sydney, Waterloo and Marrickville to make way for Sydney’s new metro. This contract is now complete. - Sydney Yard Access Bridge contractor (Laing O’Rourke)
Laing O’Rourke has been awarded the contract to build an access bridge from Regent Street into the rail corridor, to provide construction and operational maintenance access to Central Station for both Sydney Metro and Sydney Trains. This contract is now complete. - Tunnel and Station Excavation (TSE) contractor (John Holland CPB Ghella)
John Holland CPB Ghella Joint Venture (JHCPBG JV) has been awarded the contract to build the twin railway tunnels from Chatswood to Sydenham and excavate six new Sydney Metro stations (located at Chatswood Dive, Artarmon Substation, etc. - Sydenham upgrade & Southwest Metro Corridor (John Holland Laing O’Rourke)
John Holland Pty Ltd and Laing O’Rourke Australia Construction Pty Ltd (JHLOR JV) has been awarded the contract for major railway work at Sydenham as part of Sydney Metro, including the upgrade of Sydenham Station. The Joint Venture has also been awarded the contract to upgrade to metro rail standards the more than 125-year-old Bankstown Line between Sydenham and Bankstown. - Northern Corridor Works (Portion 7) contractor (Laing O’Rourke)
Laing O’Rourke is delivering work on the T1 North Shore Line between Waitara and Waverton stations, and around Epping Station to prepare for the start of Sydney Metro services. This contract is now complete. - Central Station Main Works (Laing O'Rourke)
Laing O’Rourke has been awarded the contract to deliver the new Sydney Metro platforms under Central Station as well as the landmark Central Walk - a new underground pedestrian concourse to help customers get around Sydney’s busiest railway station. - Martin Place Integrated Station Development (Lendlease)
Lendlease has been appointed to design and construct the new Sydney Metro Martin Place integrated station development which includes the new Martin Place Station, two new buildings above the station as well as new underground pedestrian connections and improvements to the public domain. - Victoria Cross Integrated Station Development (Leadlease)
Lendlease is delivering the Sydney Metro Victoria Cross integrated station development which includes a 40-storey (plus 2-storey rooftop plant) commercial building above the station’s southern entrance, integrating retail opportunities and enhancing North Sydney as a thriving commercial, residential and entertainment hub. - Linewide Work (Systems Connect)
Systems Connect is a Joint Venture (JV) between CPB Contractors and UGL Engineering. The JV has been contracted to convert the excavated tunnel into a working railway for Sydney Metro City & Southwest. Line-wide work includes the permanent systems, services and building works required for metro trains to travel through the Sydney Metro City & Southwest tunnels. - Waterloo Integrated Station Development
The Waterloo Metro Quarter project that will revitalise the area will be delivered by a joint venture between John Holland and Mirvac. The Waterloo Metro Quarter concept comprises five building envelopes including three towers and two mid-rise buildings above and adjacent to the station. - Pitt Street Integrated Station Development
CPB Contractors is delivering the Sydney Metro Pitt Street Integrated Station Development which includes a 250-metre long underground station between Pitt and Castlereagh Streets, with entrances on Park and Bathurst Streets. The two station entries will be connected with retail and other commercial facilities. - Crows Nest Station Construction
Construction company AW Edwards has been awarded the contract to build Sydney Metro’s new Crows Nest Station, which will include two entrances, footpaths, lighting, retail space, improvements to pedestrian and cyclist safety around the site and enabling works for future over station developments - Dulwich Hill, Campsie, Punchbowl, Hurlstone Park, Belmore and Wiley Park stations (Packages 5 & 6)
Downer EDI Works Pty Ltd has been awarded the contract to upgrade Dulwich Hill, Campsie, Punchbowl, Hurlstone Park, Belmore and Wiley Park stations on the more than 125-year-old T3 Bankstown Line to metro rail standards. - Marrickville, Canterbury and Lakemba stations (Package 4)
An unincorporated joint venture of Haslin Constructions Pty Limited and Stephen Edwards Constructions Pty Ltd. has been awarded the contract to upgrade Marrickville, Canterbury and Lakemba stations on the more than 125-year-old T3 Bankstown Line to metro rail standards. - Barangaroo Station Construction
BESIX Watpac is delivering the contract to build the new Barangaroo Station, which includes the station fit out, a station entrance next to Nawi Cove and upgrading Hickson Road. At Nawi Cove and along Hickson Road there will be new footpaths, trees, lighting, bike parking and street furniture, as well as a new separated cycle link. - Sydenham to Bankstown conversion and station works
John Holland Pty Ltd and Laing O'Rourke Australia Construction Pty Ltd Joint Venture is delivering the final package of station upgrade works from Marrickville to Bankstown including construction of a new metro station and precinct work for a new cross corridor plaza at Bankstown. The contract also includes completion works converting nine stations to metro standards and completion of overhead wiring and track alignment work. - Corridor Intrusion Risk Assessment
Martinus Rail has been awarded the contract to upgrade locations adjacent to the Sydenham and Bankstown corridor with protective measures to reduce the risk of vehicles impacting the network. A total of 15 bridges and 66 locations, including car parks and roads, will be upgraded as part of the contract scope.