Customers are at the centre of Sydney Metro's stations, which are being designed to be an easy part of daily journeys. State-of-the-art technology will keep customers connected – from planning a journey from home using smart phone travel apps to real time information at metro stations and on board trains.
The modern stations will be fully accessible for people with a disability, prams and children, including level access between platforms and trains. Customer service assistants will be at every station and will also move through the Sydney Metro network during the day and night.

Artist's impression of Martin Place Station interchange
A better customer experience
When customers arrive at Sydney Metro stations, there will be safe interchange whether they are walking, cycling, catching the bus, taxi, or being dropped off. Clear signage will direct customers to platforms, other modes of transport and destinations around the station.
This door-to-door approach will help customers achieve their daily tasks, whether it’s getting to work, meetings, school or education, sport, a day out or running errands – and of course, getting home.
Customer journey
Station design
The Sydney Metro network will have three types of stations:
- Underground stations stations such as Crows Nest, Barangaroo, Castle Hill and Hills Showground are built underground in tunnels using a ‘cut-and-cover’ approach.
- Open cut stations such as Cherrybrook, Bella Vista and Tallawong are built as open cut stations. They are open to the sky, but below ground level.
- Elevated stations such as Kellyville and Rouse Hill are elevated stations on the skytrain.
Station safety features
- Platform screen doors keep people and objects away from the edge, improving customer safety and allowing trains to get in and out of stations much faster. These doors run the full length of the platforms and only open at the same time as the train doors.
- Level access between the platform and train and three double doors per side per carriage allows for faster loading and unloading.
- Customer service assistants will be at every station and they will also move through the network during the day and night.
- Safe and efficient interchange between transport modes.
Making it easy for customers at each stage of their journey is integral to the successful delivery of Sydney Metro.