From a 200-year-old pub to shells which haven’t seen daylight in more than 40,000 years, find out more about the historical facts and archaeological discoveries during the construction of Australia’s biggest public transport project.

Parramatta discoveries
A team of archaeologists have unearthed a convict hut and historical artefacts that date as far back as 1792.

180-year-old boat
A 180-year-old timber boat has been uncovered during excavation works for a new Sydney Metro station.

History unearthed at The Bays Station site
While The Bays Station has its sights set on being a massive part of Sydney’s transport future, a key piece of its history has been unearthed.

Glimpse of Sydney life in the 1800s
The community has gone behind the fence at the site of the new Waterloo metro station.

Maritime history
Construction work at Barangaroo has uncovered a glimpse of the past from the 1800s.

Historical images
Take a look back in time along the new Sydney Metro line between Chatswood and Sydenham.

White Hart Inn
Heritage work for the skytrain section of Sydney Metro Northwest uncovered the ruins of an early 19th-century Sydney inn.

Under Sydney Harbour
Drilling work has revealed some exciting new facts about Sydney Harbour’s ancient past.

Indigenous artefacts
Sydney Metro has undertaken one of the most comprehensive Aboriginal archaeological programs in Sydney’s North West region.