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Download Secondary teacher resource: Teacher briefing

Secondary teacher resource: Teacher briefing

This book and related online materials are curriculum resources for secondary teachers and students produced by Sydney Metro Northwest in consultation with practising teachers and curriculum specialists. Both teachers and specialists are members of the Sydney Metro Northwest Education Reference Group, an advisory body formed under the auspices of the Sydney Metro Northwest Education Program in March 2013.

Topics covered: A railway for Sydney's North West region, Linking the nation, Planning, designing and building a railway.

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Download Secondary overview of lessons and syllabus outcomes - Planning, designing and building a railway

Secondary overview of lessons and syllabus outcomes - Planning, designing and building a railway

The lessons allow students to investigate how railways are planned, designed and constructed for stages 4 to 5.

Students consider how designers visualise a new station in the environment, calculate how many tonnes of rock have to be excavated to make the tunnels, find out how engineers measure sound and how to build a population pyramid of their local region.

Linking the present and the future of the Northwest region.

Topics covered: Planning, designing and building a railway, Science, Geography, Mathematics and English. 
Science 7-10; SC4-10PW (PWQ4-6); Geography K-10; GE4-1; GE4-2; GE4-3; GE4-7; GE5-2; GE5-3; GE5-7; Science 7-10; SC4-16CW (CW1 b,c); Science 7-10; SC4-7WS (WS7.1 a,b); Mathematics K-10; MA4-19SP; English K-10; EN4-2A; Geography K-10; GE5-1; GE5-7; Geography K-10; GE5-2; GE5-3; GE5-7; GE5-8; Mathematics K-10; MA5.2-2WM; Geography K-10; GE5-2; GE5-7; GE5-8; 

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Download Secondary teacher map activity sheet 1: Planning Castle Hill, designing and building a railway

Secondary teacher map activity sheet 1: Planning Castle Hill, designing and building a railway

Map of the North West region supporting the lesson Landscape, rocks and tunnels, practical considerations in transport geography for stage 5.

Topics covered: Planning , designing and building a railway and Geography.

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Download Secondary teacher source analysis charts: For stage 5 mandatory site study, a complete unit of work. Linking the nation

Secondary teacher source analysis charts: For stage 5 mandatory site study, a complete unit of work. Linking the nation

Analysis charts for students to analyse sources of information provided in activity sheets 1-3 for lesson 3, roads, convict bush rangers and the White Hart Inn. This is part of stage 5 mandatory site study. 

Topics covered: Linking the nation and History. 

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Download Secondary teacher sources 1-2: For lessons on traffic forecasting. A railway for Sydney's North West region

Secondary teacher sources 1-2: For lessons on traffic forecasting. A railway for Sydney's North West region

These source information sheets support the lessons on Traffic forecasting for stages 4 and 5.

Topics covered: A railway for Sydney's North West region and Geography.

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Download Secondary overview of lessons and syllabus outcomes - A railway for Sydney's North West region

Secondary overview of lessons and syllabus outcomes - A railway for Sydney's North West region

This overview provides a list of the lessons linked to syllabus outcomes which explore some of the challenges of planning for the future in a sustainable manner.

Topics covered: A railway for Sydney's North West region, Geography, Science and English.

Geography K-10; GE4-1; GE4-3; GE4-7; GE4-8; GE5-2; GE5-3; GE5-5; GE5-7; GE5-8; Geography K-10; GE4-7; Geography K-10; GE4-1; GE4-7; GE5-5; GE5-7; Science 7-10; SC4-11PW; English K-10; EN4-1A; EN4-2A; EN5-1A; EN5-2A; Geography K-10; GE4-1; GE4-3; GE4-7; GE5-3; GE5-5; Geography K-10; GE5-3; GE5-7; GE5-8; Geography K-10; GE5-2; GE5-4; GE5-7; GE5-8

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Download Primary overview of lessons and syllabus outcomes - The past to the present of Australian transport

Primary overview of lessons and syllabus outcomes - The past to the present of Australian transport

An overview of lessons and syllabus outcomes for topic 2 - Lessons linking the past to the present of Australian transport. 

Topics covered: Geography, English, History,Mathematics, Science and Creative Arts.

History K-10; HT2-2; HT2-5; Geography K-10; GE2-1; GE2-2; GE2-4; History K-10; HT2-2; Geography K-10; GE2-1; GE2-2; History K-10; HT2-4; HT2-5; Geography K-10; GE2-1; GE2-2; Geography K-10; GE2-1; GE2-3; GE2-4; History K-10; HT2-2;HT2-4; HT2-5; Creative Arts K-6; VAS2.1; VAS3.1; VAS2.4; VAS3.4; History K-10; HT2-2; HT2-5; HT3-1; HT3-5; Mathematics; MA2-1WM; MA3-1WM; MA2-13MG; MA3-13MG; MA2-2WM; MA3-2WM; History K-10; HT3-2; English K-10; EN3-1A; EN3-3A; EN3-7C; EN3-8D; History K-10; HT3-1; HT3-2; HT3-3; HT3-5; Science and Technology K-6; Ethical Understanding; English K-10; EN3-1A; EN3-2A; EN3A-3A; EN3-7C; EN3-8D; Geography K-10; GE3-1; GE3-2; GE3-3; GE3-4; 

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Download Primary teacher resource: Production and development of resources

Primary teacher resource: Production and development of resources

Lists names of those who produced and contributed to this education resource. 

Sydney Metro worked with an Education Reference Group in the production and development of FastTracking The Future Education resources to ensure that they aligned with current curriculum requirements, would meet teachers’ needs and students’ interests and model sound pedagogical practice. 

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Download Primary overview of lessons and syllabus outcomes - The present and the future of the North West region

Primary overview of lessons and syllabus outcomes - The present and the future of the North West region

An overview of lessons and syllabus outcomes for topic 3: Lessons linking the present and the future of the North West region. 

Topics covered: Science, Geography, English, History, Creative Arts.

English K-10; EN1-1A; EN1-2A; EN1-10C; EN1-11D; Science and Technology K-6; ST1-2DP-T; ACTDEP007; ACTDEP008; History K-10; HT1-1; HT1-3; HT1-4; Creative Arts K-6; VAS1.1; Mathematics; MA2-17MG; MA3-17MG; MA2-1WM; MA3-1WM; MA2-13MG; MA3-13MG; MA2-2WM; MA3-2WM; MA2-6NA; MA-6NA; Geography K-10 GE2-4; GE3-4; Geography K-10; GE3-1; GE3-2; GE3-4; Mathematics; MA2-17MG; MA3-17MG; MA2-1WM; MA3-1WM; MA2-2WM; MA3-2WM; MA2-13MG; MA3-13MG; MA2-2WM; MA3-2WM; MA2-6NA; MA-6NA; MA3-6NA; Science and Technology K-6; ST2-2DP-T; ST2-3DP-T; ST3-3DP-T; ST3-2DP-T; Geography K-10; GE3-1; GE3-2; GE3-4; History K-10; HT2-2; HT2-5; HT3-2; HT3-5; English K-10; EN2-10C; EN3-7C; Science and Technology K-6; ST2-2DP-T; ST1-3DP-T; ACTDIP004; ACTDIP005; Geography K-10; GE3-1; GE3-2; GE3-3; GE3-4; Science and Technology K-6; ACSIS057; ACSIS068; ACSIS215; ACSIS216; ACSIS060; ACSIS071; English K-10; EN2-6B; EN3-1A

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Download Primary teacher activity sheets 1-2: Understanding signs and symbols

Primary teacher activity sheets 1-2: Understanding signs and symbols

Activity sheets 1-2 for stages 2 and 3 support the lesson Reading Railway Images. Ready to use Activity Sheets for students to explore and consider railway signs.

Topics covered: Planning, designing and building a railway, English and Science. 

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