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Download Primary teacher resource: Smart lesson Stage 1 - How do we travel

Primary teacher resource: Smart lesson Stage 1 - How do we travel

Teacher resource - worksheet lesson for Stage 1 - How do we travel? (Word doc)

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Download Primary teacher resource - Appendix

Primary teacher resource - Appendix

The appendix includes the lesson 1 quiz sheets and 'How do we travel' sheets.

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Download Primary teacher activity sheets 1-2 for stage 2: First contacts- Aboriginal management practices and observation skills

Primary teacher activity sheets 1-2 for stage 2: First contacts- Aboriginal management practices and observation skills

In these stage 2 activity sheets students explore what life was like for Aboriginal people before the arrival of Europeans, with a focus on the Sydney region. Students investigate what the natural environment was like and how Aboriginal people made use of the resources around them, managing them sustainably.

Topics covered: First contacts, Aboriginal management, History and Geography. 

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Download Primary teacher source and activity sheets 1-5: Visual literacy, train safety

Primary teacher source and activity sheets 1-5: Visual literacy, train safety

Activity sheets supporting  the lesson Train Safety in 1800 and today. Teaching source reference material and student activity sheets for Stage 2 and Stage 3. Includes visual literacy and visual analysis charts for code breaking and construction meaning from text.

Topics covered: Linking the Nation, History and English.

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Download Primary teacher activity sheet 1-2 for stage 1 complete unit of work: A railway for Sydney's Northwest region

Primary teacher activity sheet 1-2 for stage 1 complete unit of work: A railway for Sydney's Northwest region

Activity sheets 1 and 2 learning about the Bidjigal Reserve and stencil activity. In this lesson students explore places in their local environment through images of memorials, museum exhibits, older houses and other structures that remind us of the past. The focus of the lesson is the Bidjigal Reserve as a significant place in the local community, what it reveals about the past, and how people interact with and care for the place today.

Topics covered: The past in the present, History and Geography.


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Download Primary teacher resource, Source 1 Rogans Hill - Parramatta railway line timetable: Using and interpreting timetables then and now

Primary teacher resource, Source 1 Rogans Hill - Parramatta railway line timetable: Using and interpreting timetables then and now

Rogans Hill to Parramatta timetable  - support resource for 'Using and Interpreting timetables then and now' lesson.

Topics covered: Linking the Nation, Mathematics and History.

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Download Primary teacher activity sheets 1–8 for stage 1 complete unit of work: A Railway for Sydney’s North West Region

Primary teacher activity sheets 1–8 for stage 1 complete unit of work: A Railway for Sydney’s North West Region

Worksheets and activity sheets for Stage 1 Sydney Metro Northwest a complete unit of work.  Student worksheets include learning activities based on transport mode and the benefits of a new Sydney Metro rail network.

Topics covered: A Railway for Sydney’s North West  Region, Science and Geography.

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Download Primary teacher activity sheets 1-4: Who lived here first and how do we know?

Primary teacher activity sheets 1-4: Who lived here first and how do we know?

Activity sheets 1-4 allow students to explore the importance of country and place to Aboriginal people, with a focus on the Darug people of the North West Sydney region.

Topics covered: Linking the nation, Who lived here first and how do we know?, Geography and History. 


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Download Primary teacher resource: how do we travel smart lesson stage 1 (notebook file)

Primary teacher resource: how do we travel smart lesson stage 1 (notebook file)

This document is a notebook file. It includes lesson 1 on: How do we travel by land, sea and air?

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Download Primary teacher resource: Investigating changes to public transport in The Hills Shire

Primary teacher resource: Investigating changes to public transport in The Hills Shire

Students investigate the evolution of public transport in The Hills Shire over the past century. They watch an online video of local The Hills Shire historian, Bruce Irwin, discussing changes to the local transport infrastructure from the 1900s. Using the video and maps, students explore local changes. A class eBook of journal entries about travelling on Sydney Metro Northwest is created.

Topics covered: Linking the Nation, History, Geography and English. 

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