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Terms & Conditions

School Holiday Program

  1. Acceptance of these terms and conditions constitutes acceptance for and on behalf of the parent/carer attending the Fun with Robots Workshop or the Stop Motion Animation Workshop (Workshop) and the child/children attending the Workshop under the supervision of the parent/carer.
  2. Bookings are subject to availability.
  3. Parents/carers must be responsible for their child/children at all times.
  4. To maximise the experience we encourage a ratio of one parent/carer to two children maximum. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
  5. We may request your permission to use your child’s image/photo in social media and other forms of media.
  6. Parents/carers must carefully follow the safety requirements for the Workshop. The Workshop is suitable for primary students aged 8 – 12 years.
  7. Sydney Metro reserves the right to change the date or time of the Workshop, or to cancel the Workshop, in its absolute discretion. Should this occur, Sydney Metro will attempt to notify all registered visitors via the contact details provided in the online registration forms.
  8. Parents/carers acknowledge that while Sydney Metro and the Workshop venue (Bryan Brown Theatre at Bankstown, Westmead Progress Hall at Westmead, Arthur Neave Memorial Hall at Werrington, and Concord Oval at Concord (Venue)) will take reasonable precautions to keep visitors safe, each visitor enters the Venue at their own risk without recourse to claim against Sydney Metro or the Venue regarding health outcomes.
  9. Visitors must not attend the Workshop if they:
    1. are feeling unwell or have any respiratory or COVID-19 symptoms (fever, coughing, sore throat, fatigue, shortness of breath); or
    2. have COVID-19.
  10. Parents/carers acknowledge that all intellectual property rights in the content created by their child/children are, from the time of creation, the property of Sydney Metro. This may include (but is not limited to) film, audio or models. Should any confirmation or assignment of those rights be required, acceptance of these terms and conditions constitutes such confirmation or assignment.
  11. Visitors are responsible for arriving at the allocated time as specified by Sydney Metro on the day of the Workshop. Sydney Metro will not wait for visitors if they are late or do not turn up on the day.
  12. Visitors must notify Sydney Metro in advance of any specific access requirements (e.g. wheelchair access), via email to
  13. Visitors acknowledge that access to the Venue and the Workshop will be subject to the control of Sydney Metro and access may be limited or restricted at Sydney Metro’s or the Venue’s absolute discretion.
  14. Visitors are responsible for their own transport to and from the Venue (address will be provided in the booking confirmation email).
  15. Registration will close once all available spaces have been filled. A waitlist may be available at the discretion of Sydney Metro.
  16. Change of Workshop session time or date will not be possible. If you are unable to attend please contact
  17. Visitors must at all times comply with all directions of Sydney Metro or its representatives.
  18. Sydney Metro is not liable for any loss, damage, personal injury or death whatsoever suffered or sustained in connection with participation in the Workshop, or any act or omission of Sydney Metro or any person associated with Sydney Metro.  You agree that you will not make a claim against Sydney Metro or any person associated with Sydney Metro, for any loss, cost, damage, expense, or for any other matter arising out of or in connection with the Workshop.
  19. Sydney Metro will not be responsible for lost, stolen or damaged personal items.
  20. Sydney Metro is committed to protecting the privacy of personal information collected from visitors as part of the Workshop, including the registration for attendance, in accordance with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW).
  21. Sydney Metro collects, holds and uses personal information for specific purposes relevant to its functions. On this occasion, Sydney Metro is collecting visitors’ personal information in order to conduct the Workshop. Sydney Metro may also use the personal information collected for promotional, marketing and publicity purposes associated with the workshop, or future workshops of this kind.
  22. Sydney Metro may, for the purposes set out above, disclose visitors’ personal information to Sydney Metro's officers, contractors, employees and agents and other third parties for the purposes of the workshop from time to time. Otherwise, Sydney Metro will not disclose visitors’ personal information unless the visitor consents, or unless Sydney Metro is permitted or required to disclose that information by law.
  23. If you do not wish to provide personal information to Sydney Metro, you will not be able to attend the Workshop.
  24. Sydney Metro will collect and store your personal information. Its head office is at 680 George Street Sydney NSW. You may contact Sydney Metro to access or correct your personal information. Please contact
  25. Further information in relation to how Sydney Metro manages personal information can be found in Sydney Metro's Privacy Management Plan.
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