Artist's impression of Sydney Olympic Park metro station
Project overview
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About Sydney Metro West
The Sydney Metro West project is a new 24-kilometre underground metro railway which will double rail capacity between Parramatta and the Sydney CBD, transforming Sydney for generations to come.
This once-in-a-century infrastructure investment will provide fast, reliable, turn-up-and-go metro services with fully accessible stations, link new communities to rail services and support employment growth and housing supply.
The project is expected to create about 10,000 direct and 70,000 indirect jobs during construction.
Stations have been confirmed at Westmead, Parramatta, Sydney Olympic Park, North Strathfield, Burwood North, Five Dock, The Bays, Pyrmont and Hunter Street in the Sydney CBD. Two potential station locations are being investigated west of Sydney Olympic Park, including one at Rosehill Gardens which could support a significant increase in housing.
Sydney Metro West will target an opening date of 2032.
Sydney Metro West features
• A new generation of fast, safe and reliable metro trains.
• Australia’s first fully accessible railway: level access between train and platform.
• New driverless technology, including platform screen safety doors keeping people and objects like prams away from tracks.
• At all times, a team of expert train controllers will monitor Sydney Metro, making sure everything runs smoothly.
• Wheelchair spaces, separate priority seating and emergency intercoms inside trains.
• Heating and air-conditioning in all metro trains.
• Continuous mobile phone coverage throughout the metro network
Interactive project information
Sydney Metro is making project information as easy to access as possible. We want to connect with you so you can find out what you need to know and learn more about the project.
The Sydney Metro West interactive portal provides area-specific information to help you navigate the project in an easy-to-use and intuitive way. The portal includes information to support your understanding of the planning process and videos from our team of project experts.
The planning process
In 2020, work started at The Bays on this city shaping project. In March 2021, the project received its first major planning approval for the Project Concept between Westmead and the Sydney CBD and station excavation and tunnelling between Westmead and The Bays, and in September 2022 the project received its second major approval for station excavation and tunnelling between The Bays and Sydney CBD
A third planning application was submitted to the Department of Planning and Environment in 2022 for rail infrastructure, stations, precincts and operations between Westmead and the Sydney CBDand was approved in 2023.
Sydney Metro has also commenced planning for over and adjacent station development at Parramatta, Sydney Olympic Park, Hunter Street (West and East) and Pyrmont.
The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure granted approval for over and/or adjacent station development at Sydney Olympic Park, Hunter Street Station Eastand Hunter Street Station Westin 2024. Sydney Metro has lodged a Scoping Report for an Amending Concept Development Application to increase the number of residential dwellings as part of the over and adjacent station development at Sydney Olympic Park.
Sydney Metro has submitted Response to Submission Reports for Parramatta and Pyrmontto the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure for assessment.
In December 2023, following the NSW Government’s independent review into Sydney Metro, it was announced Sydney Metro would prepare scoping studies for up to two potential station locations west of Sydney Olympic Park, including one at Rosehill Gardens which could support a significant increase in housing.