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What's in the Environmental Impact Statement


Artist's impression of Crows Nest Station Artist's impression of Crows Nest Station

The Project must be assessed and approved under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW) before major construction can start.

The Project must be assessed and approved under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW) before major construction can start.

The Chatswood to Sydenham Environmental Impact Statement is on public exhibition until Monday 27 June 2016. The Sydenham to Bankstown component of the Project will be subject to a separate environmental assessment process.

Anyone may make a submission and these submissions will be considered by the New South Wales Department of Planning and Environment in its assessment of the Project.

What’s in the Environmental Impact Statement?

The Environmental Impact Statement assesses environmental issues including:

  • traffic and transport
  • noise and vibration
  • land use and property
  • business impacts
  • non-Aboriginal heritage
  • Aboriginal heritage
  • landscape character and visual amenity
  • groundwater and geology
  • soils, contamination and water quality
  • social impacts and community infrastructure
  • biodiversity
  • flooding and hydrology
  • air quality
  • hazard and risk
  • waste management
  • sustainability
  • cumulative impacts.

Strategies to avoid, mitigate and manage potential impacts have also been identified and developed.

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