A new partnership model for Sydney Metro West

We are proud to announce a new, innovative contracting approach for the next stage of Australia’s biggest public transport project – the Sydney Metro West Partnership.
The contracting model has been developed as a result of industry feedback and lessons learnt from Sydney Metro City & Southwest, and from national and international projects. It aims to provide a more collaborative approach to construction and support a more sustainable construction industry.
The model will be further developed and refined with the market as part of the prequalification process commencing in January 2023.
The contracts currently being considered to form part of the Partnership are:
- Trains and signalling, which includes design, supply, testing and commissioning of the trains, the signalling and systems required to deliver driverless train operations.
- Stations Package West, which includes the delivery of underground stations at The Bays, Five Dock, Burwood North, North Strathfield and Westmead.
- The station component of each Integrated Station Development, which includes separate packages for Parramatta, Sydney Olympic Park, Pyrmont and Hunter Street.
- Operations and maintenance, which includes the provision of customer and operational services and maintenance for a 15-year operations term.
- Linewide, which includes the design, supply, testing and commissioning of all other rail and linewide systems.
The buildings above the new Sydney Metro West stations, and precincts around them, will be delivered under contracts with Sydney Metro, separate to the Sydney Metro West Partnership.
Procurement for the remaining Metro West packages started today, with the opening of the Registration of Interest.