New opportunities for the Sydney CBD as Sydney Metro’s Pitt Street station takes shape

Planning is progressing for the integrated station developments at the new Pitt Street metro station.
The community can now have its say on the proposed buildings above Pitt Street Station with the Environmental Impact Statements for both Pitt Street North and Pitt Street South now lodged with the Department of Planning and Environment.
There are two over station development (OSD) proposals for above Pitt Street Station.
One proposal is for a mixed-use development above the northern entry to Pitt Street station, on Park Street between Pitt and Castlereagh streets.
The other proposal is for a commercial or residential development above the southern entry to Pitt Street station, near the corner of Bathurst and Pitt streets.
The proposed building at the northern entry could include a residential component, a hotel and commercial office space.
At the southern entry, the proposed building will house either residential apartments or commercial office space.
Stations on the new Sydney Metro system will be vibrant places and landmarks in their own right.
This is a chance to build more than just railway stations – through excellence in design and delivery, Sydney Metro will deliver fully-integrated places which are intuitive and safe, architecturally unique and which promote people's health and wellbeing.
The NSW Government has identified stations which can be better integrated with the places around them and will deliver new initiatives similar to other great mass transit-oriented developments around the world, including Hudson Yards in New York and the new Paddington Station on London’s Crossrail.
As the new metro stations are built underground, buildings will be able to be constructed above them at the same time, reducing community impacts and the length of time required to deliver developments.
Following a competitive tender process, three groups have been shortlisted to deliver Pitt Street Station and the new buildings above it.
The three groups shortlisted to build Pitt Street station and the over station developments are:
- Grocon (Pitt Street) Developments Pty Ltd;
- Lendlease Development Pty Limited;
- Brookfield Properties (Devco) Australia Pty Ltd.
The Environmental Impact Statements are on exhibition from 16 August 2018 to 12 September 2018. Displays and information will be available at the following drop-in community information sessions:
- 28 August, 11am – 2pm, Wesley Conference Centre, 220 Pitt Street, Sydney
- 30 August, 4 – 7 pm, Primus Hotel, 339 Pitt Street, Sydney
- 4 September, 11am – 2pm, Primus Hotel, 339 Pitt Street, Sydney
- 6 September, 4 – 7 pm, Wesley Conference Centre, 220 Pitt Street, Sydney
Details on how to make a submission can be found at: