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Have your say on strategic station options for Sydney Metro West


Artist’s impression of Westmead metro station

Local communities in Rydalmere and Pyrmont are being asked to have their say on strategic station options as part of Sydney Metro West. Both locations will be considered for inclusion into the project that is set to start construction in 2020.

We’ve been hearing from communities about this project since 2016 with feedback collected from over 1600 surveys and more than 1000 submissions. We now want to hear from locals about how they see their future areas.

Stakeholder and community feedback, affordability and feasibility, and the stations’ ability to support growth with new jobs and homes are the top considerations, as well as balancing travel times with number of stations.

Metro stations should also integrate well with current and planned transport modes, getting people to where they need to go - school, university and work.

Stakeholder and community feedback will help to define the final alignment for Sydney Metro West, shaping Sydney for generations to come.

Seven Sydney Metro West stations have been confirmed at Westmead, Parramatta, Sydney Olympic Park, North Strathfield, Burwood North Five Dock and The Bays Precinct and a Sydney CBD station location will be confirmed after further investigations and stakeholder and community feedback.

You can provide feedback by emailing the project team .

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