Curtain wall of glass comes to life

An iconic curtain wall of glass has been successfully installed at the new Kellyville Station.
More than 400 distinctive clear and coloured glass panels have been safely lifted into place, bringing Sydney Metro services one step closer to starting in the second quarter of next year.
The glass panels weigh up to 150 kilograms each, or nearly 40 tonnes combined. The largest panels are each more than 2 metres tall and 2 metres wide, while the smallest is just 72 centimetres wide.
The colour scheme was inspired by local orchards with the glass wall design allowing natural light into the station concourse area, which sits beneath the skytrain.
Strengthened steel frames hold in place the glass, which is strong enough to withstand hail storms and heavy winds.
The glass was manoeuvred into the steel frames with military precision – it took up to 20 minutes to lift each glass panel into place – and there were no breakages during the installation process.
Kellyville Station, located at the corner of Old Windsor Road and Samantha Riley Drive, has platforms 13m above ground and is one of two elevated stations on Sydney Metro’s 4 kilometre skytrain.
The station includes 1,360 commuter car parking spaces, parking and storage for 55 bicycles, 10 kiss-and-ride spaces and four bus bays.