Bankstown Station to become the Central Station of the Southwest

Southwest Sydney’s first major interchange is taking shape at Bankstown, getting ready to welcome Sydney Metro services in 2025.
Significant work has taken place at Bankstown Station to remove part of the platforms, making way for a brand-new plaza which will connect the north and south sides of Bankstown for pedestrians for the first time.
When work is complete in 2025, residents of Bankstown will have access to Sydney Trains services, bus services and fast, frequent, and reliable metro train services right on their doorstep.
More than 100 people have been working hard to upgrade Bankstown Station, with work well underway to get the new Sydney Metro platforms ready for services.
Work completed to date at Bankstown Station includes:
- Construction of the Metro Services building, with testing and commissioning of the building underway
- Construction of the two Metro platforms
- Excavation of the existing platform at Bankstown and realigning tracks to create a central plaza between Sydney Metro and Sydney Trains stations
- Commissioning of the new T6 line to provide a four-car shuttle service from Bankstown to Lidcombe
- Four of 36 platform screen doors installed
- Platform screen doors are a key safety feature of Sydney Metro stations, as they play a crucial role in keeping passengers safely away from the tracks.
- Across the project, 160 of the total 360 platform screen doors have been fitted into place across the 10 southwest stations being upgraded between Marrickville and Bankstown.
Next up at the future Bankstown metro station, the work will focus on installation of the remaining platform screen doors, platform fit out and cross-corridor plaza works.
Future work will include the extension of the Sydney Trains platforms and the installation of a track crossover to enable eight car train operations between Bankstown and Lidcombe.